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About Us

We C.A.R.E. For Community Empowerment!

Community Agenda For Regained Empowerment (CAREUSTZ) Serves As A Community-Based, Charitable And Multi-Purpose Human Services International Non-Profit Organization That Supports The Empowerment Of Refugees And Immigrants Resettled In The United States And Vulnerable/Disadvantaged Groups In Tanzania In Their Economic, Health, And Educational Wellbeing In Their Community Settings.

We are a global organization headed by leaders who directly work with local partners to develop social and economic development programs to mitigate resettlement and community-related hardships for immigrants and refugees in the United States and vulnerable populations in Tanzania. CAREUSTZ strives to identify and promote new opportunities for these populations by advocating for education, health, and economic empowerment.

Our goal is to provide funds and donations that help the target populations overcome existing challenges and barriers to enable them to become productive members of society through empowerment initiatives in health, education, literacy, economic development, and community engagement

Here Is What We Strive To Achieve With Your Support!


Among Orphans In The Target Area: 45% Decrease In Those Without Health Insurance And 45% Increase In Those With Fully Paid Annual School Fees
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Thirty Percent Increase In The Participation Among Individuals And Families In Health And Family Welfare Programs In The Underserved Communities
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Increase In Eligible Refugees And Immigrants In The Served Area Who Completed The Naturalization Process And Granted US Citizenship
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Increase In The Number Of Individuals Attending Adult Learning Opportunities In Social, Parenting, Language, And Financial Skills Across The Served Populations
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Is your organization seeking the opportunity to serve the community? Is there something you could provide to refugees in US and underserved communities in Tanzania that you believe would be helpful?

Contact CAREUSTZ today to become one of the valued supporting partner. We are interested in discussing your organizational involvement with CAREUSTZ on individual or recurring basis.

Want to become our Partner?